Thomas Beale Treasure...Edgar Allan Poe... More Word Games
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I am content to let the professional linguists of your time analyze in detail the relationship between my writings and The Beale Papers.  As this type of analysis is not an exact science, it will not provide conclusive evidence of my authorship of the Beale pamphlet.  A professional comparison may, however, provide enough circumstantial evidence to entice the cryptographers, literary historians and treasure hunters to reshape their efforts to solve the Beale ciphers.  Therefore, I offer a few more “word” comparisons:

1.  Ho

Compare Beale’s 1822 letter to Morriss:

“I shall remain here a week or ten days longer, then ‘HO’ for the plains, to hunt the buffalo and encounter the savage grizzlies”.

With the epigram of The Gold Bug:

            “What HO! What HO! This fellow is dancing mad!

            He hat been bitten by the Tarantula.”

2. Prosecute

Compare the 1885 Beale text:

“Everything necessary for our purposes and for the PROSECUTION of the work had been obtained in Santa Fe…”

With The Journal of Julius Rodman:

            “He was engaged to PROSECUTE the journey”

 3. Pecuniary Embarrassments

 Compare the 1885 text:

"…The following details of an incident that happened many years ago, but which has lost none of its interest on that account, are now given to the public for the first time.

Until now, for reasons which will be apparent to every one, all knowledge of this affair was confined to a very limited circle -- to the writer's immediate family, and to one old and valued friend, upon whose discretion he could always rely; nor was it ever intended that it should travel beyond that circle; but circumstances over which he has no control, pecuniary embarrassments of a pressing character, and duty to a dependent family requiring his undivided attention, force him to abandon a task to which he has devoted the best years of his life, but which seems as far from accomplishment as at the start…"

The Beale Papers


To this Poe letter:

"You have learned, perhaps, that I have just retired from ‘Graham’s Magazine’. The state of my mind has, in fact, forced me to abandon for the present, all mental exertion. The renewed and hopeless illness of my wife, ill health on my own part, and pecuniary embarrassments, have nearly driven me to distraction."

Letter from Poe to James Heron, June 1842. 

 4. Elucidation

Compare the Beale text:

"…He is, therefore, compelled, however unwillingly, to relinquish to others the elucidation of the Beale papers, not doubting that of the many who will give the subject attention, some one, through fortune or accident, will speedily solve their mystery and secure the prize which has eluded him..." 

  With these Poe writings:

"…arrests were made with promised elucidation…"

The Mystery of Marie Roger

"…a few words, however, in elucidation of my real meaning…"

The Philosophy of Composition 

5. Readily imagined


Compare the Beale text:


"…It can be readily imagined that this course was not determined upon all at once…"


With this Poe work:

"…as indefinite, we think, as can readily be imagined- as little conclusive as finding an arm…"

The Mystery of Marie Roget

6.  Entreaties

"…regardless of the entreaties of his family and the persistent advice of his friend, who were formerly as sanguine as himself, he stubbornly continued his investigations, until absolute want stared him in the face and forced him to yield to their persuasions…" 

The Beale Papers

 "…by the urgent entreaties of M. Valdemar…"

The Case of M. Valdemar


7. attended


Compare the Beale text:

". …Until the writer lost all hope of ultimate success he toiled faithfully at his work; unlike any other pursuit with practical and natural results, a charm attended it…"

The Beale Papers

 To Poe:

"…I alone fed him, and he attended me wherever I went about the house…"

The Black Cat

 "…But my evil destiny attended me still…"

The Angel of The Odd 


8. Hitherto

Compare the Beale text:

“It would be difficult to portray the delight he experienced when accident revealed to him the explanation of the paper marked "2." Unmeaning, as this had hitherto been, it was now fully explained…"

"…He became a purchaser and shipper of tobacco to an extent hitherto unknown in this section…"

With the following Poe works:

"…in my wrath, the childish dread which had hitherto stayed my hand…"

The Black Cat

 "…Hitherto, the sincerest affection for the young man…"

The Art the Man


"…Hitherto, she had steadily borne up…"

The Fall of the House of Usher


"…at this one point, was a mystery which, hitherto, I had been unable to solve…"

The Landscape Garden


 9. apprehended

"…and no difficulty was apprehended in mastering the others…"

The Beale Papers


…"The Garden, like a lady fair…in invention or creation, can be apprehended solely in its results…"

The Landscape Garden

"…had already blown over, and we apprehended little danger from the violence…"

MS Found in a Bottle

"…the bonnet being apprehended…" 

The Mystery of Marie Roget


"…No real danger was at any time apprehended…"

The Balloon Hoax


…"Putrefication is always to be apprehended when the souls are consigned to us in the usual way"…



…"but no immediate danger was apprehended"…

The Premature Burial

"…would result from the apprehended contract…"

The Conversation of Eiros and Chamion


"…The loftier virtue, which flames in creation, can be apprehended in its results alone"…

The Domain of Arnheim


 10. affording

Compare the Beale text:

"…but this accident, affording so much pleasure at the time, was a most unfortunate one for him, as it induced him to neglect family, friends…"


To these Poe selections:


"…fairly laughing with flowers in full bloom, and affording little more space…"

Landor’s Cottage


"…worked in open trellis, thus affording an excellent hold…"

The Murders in the Rue Morgue

 11. veriest

Compare the Beale text:

"…and all legitimate pursuits for what has proved, so far, the veriest illusion."

To these Poe stories and poems: 

"…but now I was the veriest of cowards." 

The Pit and the Pendulum


"…left to memory on the veriest levities of a former existence…"

William Wilson


"…"Falling- her veriest stepping-stone Shall form…"



"…than the veriest unlettered hind who proves that he knows something…"



"…I reflected that man is the veriest slave of custom…"

The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaall


12. ruinous

Compare the Beale text:

"…The happiness of Mr. Morriss, however, was of short duration, and reverses came hen they were least expected. Heavy purchases of tobacco, at ruinous figures…"

The Beale Papers


To Poe:

"…know it will be ruinous to make delay…"

The Imp of the Perverse


"…the most ruinous consequences might ensue…"

The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaall


"…found in so desolate and ruinous a state…"

Four Beasts in One-The Homo Cameleopard