complete works: Julius Rodman
I was a demanding critic in my time
and many aspiring authors felt the lash of my pen, including that New England
windbag Longfellow. I was fair,
however, and quick to recognize exceptional talent when I saw it. One such
talent was Washington Irving. Time has
vindicated my judgment with respect to Mr. I; his influence on American
writers is unquestioned and I am proud to say I am one of his most ardent
admirers. I admired Mr. Irving’s work
so much, in fact, that I gave it the ultimate praise; I “borrowed it” to create
two of my own stories, The Journal of
Julius Rodman and The Beale Papers.
One of Mr. Irving’s works was of
particular interest to the matter at hand.
I refer, of course, to his great exploration adventure, Astoria; or Anecdotes of an Enterprise
beyond the Rocky Mountains, which I reviewed in 1837 in the Southern Literary Messenger.
This account of John Jacob Astor’s attempt
to build a city, Astoria, in the great Northwest was masterfully written. Mr. I provided comprehensive and informative
details of the explorers and trappers who risked life and fortune in the fur
trade. His historical novel about a party of brave men who faced disease,
attack by savage animals, murderous rapids and freezing weather, all while
moving through the territory of hostile Indians, was inspirational.
complete works: Julius Rodman
I suggest that both Astoria
and The Journal of Julius Rodman be
examined closely for points of similarity with The Beale Papers. Note that
the adventurers in all three stories began their expedition from St. Louis by
procuring the services of an Indian guide.
Further, on occasion, the party consisted of 30 men (the exact number of
the Beale expedition). In Astoria, a group of men was completely
lost after an explosion
Specifically with respect to Julius Rodman, I would point out, among other things, that
(I) the
story was initially written as a journal to deceive the public,
(II) the hero,
Julius Rodman is from Virginia, and
(III) this work was never completed.
Supposedly, I discontinued the piece because
of a dispute with Burton’s Gentleman’s
Magazine. It may be that even at
that early date, June 1840, I had begun to develop a vague idea of what would
eventually become The Beale Papers.
With Rodman and Beale I also used similar words and
phrases. Rodman was “engaged to
PROSECUTE the journey” while Beale prepared “everything necessary for our
purposes and for the PROSECUTION of the work”.
While “Mr. Rodman’s peculiar DISPOSITION” was somewhat different than
Thomas Beale’s “social DISPOSITION and friendly manner”, the stories of both
men were given (came) INTO THE HANDS of another to be put into a NARRATIVE for
complete works: Julius Rodman