. Too many players.
. Inflated quantities of treasure.
. Many discrepancies exist in all documents.
. The Declaration of Independence is too hokey a key.
. Part 3 (list of 30 names) considered too little text.
. W.F. Friedman couldn't crack it.
. Why even encrypt parts 1 & 3?
. Why use multi-part text, and why different keys for each
. Difficult to keep treasure in ground if 30 men know where it
was buried.
. Who'd leave it with other than your own family?
. The Inn Keeper waited an extra 10 years before opening box
ciphers in it? Who would do this,
curiousity runs too deep in
. Why did anybody waste time deciphering paper 2, which had no
1 & 3 had titles! These should have been
deciphered first?
. Why not just one single letter?
. Statistical analysis show 1&3 similar in very obscure
ways, that
2 differs. Did somebody else encipher
it? And why?
Check length of key texts, and
forward/backward next word
displacement selections.
. Who could cross the entire country with that much gold and
10 men and survive back then?
. Practically everybody who visited New Mexico before 1821,
by way of the Pearly Gates, as the Spanish
got almost every
. A stylometric analysis by William Poundstone indicates that
the author of "The Beale Papers" and the
author of the Thomas
Beale letters are one and the same, which is pretty
evidence that the whole thing is a hoax.