"I have deposited in the County of
Bedford about four miles from Buford's in an excavation or vault six, feet below
the surface of the ground the following articles belonging jointly to the
parties whose names are given in number three herewith.
The first deposit consisted of ten hundred and
fourteen pounds of gold and thirty eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver
deposited Nov. eighteen nineteen.
Carl Hammer, right, joins
treasure hunters as they go over a map.
The second was made Dec. eighteen twenty one
and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold and twelve hundred
and eighty eight of silver, also jewels obtained in St. Louis in exchange to
save transportation and valued at thirteen thousand dollars.
The above is securely packed in iron pots with
iron covers. The vault is roughly lined with stone and the vessels rest on solid
stone and are covered with others, Paper number one describes the exact locality
of the vault so that no difficulty will be had in finding it,"
Ward struggled with Ciphers One and Three till
his determination and his family fortune ran out.
In 1885 he gave up and published
"The Beale Papers" which included copies of Beale's letters to Morriss
and Morriss' testimony, as well as an account of his own efforts to break the
To future treasure hunters, however, he issued
a warning: ". ..devote only such time as can be spared from your legitimate
business to the task, and if you can spare no time, let the matter alone,"
Sound advice, but not the kind taken by cipher
addicts or those like William Legrand, the hero of Edgar Allan Poe's short
story, who are smitten by the Gold Bug.
Deeply ingrained in the American psyche are a
couple of optimistic beliefs: every problem has a solution and millionaires
happen overnight,
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